Thursday, June 30, 2016

 I sauntered on the sands.....
but I guess Our footprints are merged with the earth.
 The waves have kissed them a million times but somehow the earth has engulfed , taking in it's fold. I checked the waves...they all sound same as when they laughed when we did..
somehow they seem colder than before.
I gazed at the is as blue and vast as it was then.
We had marked our clouds..
 but I guess they have fallen apart as rain....just as us. But the same drizzle has again merged with the earth...probably like us....each drop finding it's layer...seeding a new life...birthing a new shrub..nurturing a new oak...standing tall, all together to form a forest family!
I remember your lines about 'Lone trees in a forest together' .
And it all filtered through the Maple sugar bush where time is locked...
though the waves still hug and retract....the stones still get emotional and dry.